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Conference paper information

Integrated gas-electricity adequacy planning in Brazil: technical and economical aspects

L.A. Barroso, B. Flach, R. Kelman, B. Bezerra, S. Binato, J.M. Bressane, M. V. Pereira

IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2005, San Francisco (United States of America). 12-16 junio 2005


This paper discusses how the integration between the natural gas and electricity markets has been occurring in Brazil, analyzing the challenges and describing the solutions that are being implemented to the insertion of gas-fired generation in a country almost entirely based on hydropower.

Keywords: Natural gas industry, Hydroelectric-thermal power generation.

DOI: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1109/PES.2005.1489151

Publication date: June 2005.

Barroso, L.A., Flach, B., Kelman, R., Bezerra, B., Binato, S., Bressane, J.M., Pereira, M. V., Integrated gas-electricity adequacy planning in Brazil: technical and economical aspects, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2005, San Francisco (United States of America). 12-16 June 2005.


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